Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Elffin' xmas...

I dare you not to laugh!!

Merry Christmas from Peter Harvey Menswear...

Peter Elf disco action

Alex, i tried to Elf you but it just looked wrong, dude.


Friday, December 22, 2006

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Sneaker Magic!

Been meaning to post this for a while, it's part of the new Adidas ZX campaign.


M.I.A. - (Where's Peter?)

Been crazy busy,
started a new job at McCann Erickson as Interactive Applications Developer,
I'm really enjoying it.

I will continue to post sneaker / skate / toy related junk as often as poss.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


OK there's a part in the DC Shoes skate vid where Rob Dyrdek hires a guy called Big Black to be his security guard, and now MTV have given them there own show!!
I really hope they show it the UK

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Nike SB

Nike SB demo @ Kontula Indoor Skatepark, Helsinki, Finland

Nike SB is on tour this year, and they have reached Helsinki, Finland. Take a look at this very first video from the demo tour that was held at the Kontula Indoor Skatepark. Cool tricks, cool shoes.


Saturday, October 07, 2006

Fila Trailblazers

Fila Trailblazer returns to celebrate its 15th birthday. Pinrolls are optional, but this chunky early '90s hiker is coming back and there'll be 300 of each colour being produced. The shoe itself is pretty much a faithful reproduction of the original. If we're gonna nitpick, which we will, the tongue label is a little more reserved and there are a few perforations missing and the toe box is ever so slightly off, but in comparison the the spectacularly off key retrospective efforts from other companies, this is a quality retro. As well as the classic red there's also a more traditional brown leather version that reiterates the OG hiking feel. As yet there's no word on whether we'll be seeing the return of an all suede variant, though we're sure if this outing proves popular, it can't be too far away
from: Crookedtongues

Hey Al, how many pairs of these do you recon you've laced?

Friday, October 06, 2006

Bring the noise

Public Enemy played the warehouse project manchester last night.
Supporting acts were Skinny Man 'urban poet' who royaly sucked ass...i mean he was really bad, and a DJ called Rich Reason who certainly knew how to rock the party and got everyone jumpin' before PE finally came on at about 12.20. That said they played till 2 and they absolutly killed it!!! the roof came off and i can no longer hear a thing! The whole night was stolen by Flav who definatly knew what time it was, even though his trademark clock around his neck was wrong, nevermind.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Back in the day

This is real break dancing!!!
Go Turbo!!

Some things are just funny!!!

Black Lace comeback tour goes horribly wrong........LOL
Holy Moly! still the best weekly mail out going.

Central Skate Park

Central Skate Park
Central Skate Park is a new skate park opening real soon in Manchester.
i for one am looking forward to 'ripping' it up, and catching up with some old friends from back in the day...i think it was a Tuesday.

Work in progress

Awsome Street section!

Manchester Carvery

Friday, September 29, 2006

The history of Street Skating...

You got 32 minutes spare?
If so, it's time for some schoolin' gee.

Natas rules!!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Stussy Fall 06

Stussy Fall collection 06

some nice stuff, some looks a bit Tommy Hilfiger (if i'm honest)

Check it here

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Monday, September 18, 2006

Real life Transformer

this christmas' must have toy!!!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Cut Chemist rocks the party

So, Cut Chemist tore the roof of a less than full student bar in Manchester last night, best DJ set i've seen (and i've seen a few).
Played some stuff off the album and other crazed began in Africa...

Pics below of him taking samples from the crowd to scratch with!!
St..St..St..Steve was well impressed.

for those of you not in the know.....

Cut Chemist is the performing name of Lucas MacFadden, a solo turntablist. He is a former member of the funk Latin band Ozomatli, and of the underground rap group Jurassic 5. He became known through the Los Angeles-based rap group Unity Committee, and debuted on vinyl on the B-Side of Unity Committee's 1993 single, Unified Rebelution. The track, "Lesson 4: The Radio" was an ovation of Double Dee and Steinski's seminal hip-hop masterpieces, "Lessons 1-3."

Cut rocking the crowd

Cut Chemist with some guy?

Cut rules!!!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Happy b'day Zo!!

(Zoe & her mum...chuckin' stuff at planes)

Happy Birthday Zoe!! Bit late but never mind!

*note to self change name to 'Birthday Blog'

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Happy Birthday Baby

A BIG BIG BIG Happy Birthday to my baby Ju...
(Ju challenges Tiger Styles to a b'day Mix Off)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

NASS06 - Holy Hawk!!!

So NASS06 Birmingham England, Awsome weekend, saw Tony Hawk and Mat Hoffman do demos on the first day, followed by a full on 3 Vs 3 Breakdance competition some tricky moves going on, (Ju now has dual plats, a beanie hat on and one trouser leg rolled up!!). when we checked into the hotel it quickly became apparent we were staying in the same hotel as all the pros and judges. We went to a VIP party in the evening all the pros and celebraties were there, met Mat Hoffman (i was a little worse for wear by then, as you can see from the photo!!). Had a quick chat to DMC mix champion DJ Tiger Styles on the way out.

Next morning we made it down to breakfast to find all the pros enjoying their Rice Crispies, pretty funny, dead posh hotel, gnarley skaters gripping decks at breakfast and bumping into stuff with their big ruck sacks. I turn round and theres TONY F'ING HAWK deciding what cerial to tuck into...really surreal!

The second day we checked out the Vert skate finals and a quality demo from Tony Hawk, Zach, Mat Hoffman and Danny Mayer who pulled a Kickflip McTwist!! NICE.
The day was drawing to a close and we were heading for the car park, Ju nips to the little girls room and i'm waiting in the reception of the hotel when Tony walks past! and heads out to his car. Ju comes out and i'm like "no way you just missed Tony Hawk!". i go to the little boys room and come out to see Ju coming back into the reception looking more than a bit flustered with Tony Hawks signature on her tee!!! so i go out and see him sat on the boot of his people carrier, so i see my chance....childhood hero, walk over to him not quite beliving it, i gather myself together and say...."Hi Tony, can snuggle on there for a photo", fucking snuggle, yeah real nice Marv.

Tony on the roll in.

Some dancing Condements at the VIP party

Me and Matt Hofman

Top Graffitti

DJ Tiger Styles

Me snuggling in on the Hawkster...nice.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

New Nike SB Video

SBTG Official Video, all sposored by Nike SB

Monday, July 24, 2006

Dinosaur Jr Nike SB Dunks!!!!

Here a first look at the upcoming Nike Dinosaur Jr Dunk SB’s via The Hundreds. The Dunk Hi looks great, all in silver with purple lining.
No more info.....Calm down Ju!!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Happy Birthday Daren!!!!!!!!

Happy 30th birthday!!!!

Get that tattoo done dude!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Million Dollar Homepage goes Offline goes offline,
kinda just looks like lots of shoe boxes............
.......Hmmmmmmmmmmm shoe boxes.............

from: Marketallica

Monday, July 17, 2006

Madfoot X Stussy Slip On

Madfoot! and Stussy has come together to produce a really nice pair of Slip Ons. These are made for the Japanese market but they might eventually make their way into the USA and other parts of the world.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Awsome, I fucking shot that...

Fantastic new movie from the Beastie Boys,
"Awsome, i fucking shot that" well worth ch, ch, che checking out!!

New Crooked Tongues

Well it looks like everyone is at it, check out the new look Crooked Tongues
Jury is still out...

It's the new style!!!

OK New look to the blog,
gonna try and post more often (but i can't promise anything).

That's about it.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Sneaker News!!!

So i finally picked up my Adicolors last week, 2 pairs:
I got the Toy2r and the Crooked Tongues nice nice nice....
here's some pics.

Dinosaur Jr

Went to see Dinosaur Jr last week they were loud....i mean LOUD!!!!! ears are still ringing nearly a week later, of all the people to bump into, i saw Rick Myers he's over here for a few weeks and we plan to go skating next week.
anyway here's some pictures

Also Ju managed to snaffle this poster...

Natas - Wheels of Fire...back in the day

Best thing i've seen on the internet in a long time, quality fIREHOSE sound track too! (wipes a small tear away)

Friday, May 26, 2006

Be@rbrick 12

The long-waited Bearbrick Series 12 will be officially released in June and Medicom has finally revealed what they look like.
Series 12 includes Bearbicks that represent :
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Saw, Moyoco Anno, ROEN and HR GIGER.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

New Stussy Website

New Stussy site up....


Most interesting all the old adverts!!!!!
Check it

How dodgy are you?

Find out just what you've got away with over the years:

my results...

Alright geezer! Fancy yourself as a bit tasty? It may be against the law, but what they don't know won't hurt 'em eh?
We know your heart's in the right place… but watch out or that place may be a 3 to 5 stretch in Pentonville with 'Mad' Frank, Harry the Horse and 'Wristy' Rich Richardson.
Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

Years in prison: 43
Potential fine: £9500

Oops...never mind.

Monday, May 08, 2006


New Adidas campaign...
Adidas Skateboard, fronting the campaign is the man like Gonz, site has only just gone up but there's some images and videos and a competition to win a Gonz designed board.

Check here for more details.

Channel Be@rbrick

How cool is she...Channel & Be@rbrick 1000% bear!!
thanks to freshnessmag for the info..

The Charlatans

Hot music news...
The Charlatans and Steve H seem to have parted company...
In January 2006 Steve Harrison, our manager of 16 years, personally notified
each band member of his intention to relinquish his managerial duties after the
release of Simpatico.

Full story, half way down (blink and you'll miss it!)

Sunday, May 07, 2006


OK not blogged for like months.....
got some snaps of my newest sneaks to show ya..

And some solo pics...


Run DMC Superstars 35th

Tokyo Superstar 35th

Perfed Superstar 35th

Adicolor Superstar 35th

Black n' White "Stormtrooper" Halfshells

Velcro Campus Samples (good old Adidas factory £10)

Stan Smith Hi tops Samples

Thats it for now, got some more sneaks on Pre-order so i will update as soon as.

Peace out
