Friday, October 30, 2009

Don't fuck with the Terminator!

Now i'm not a political man but this did catch my eye!

It was hardly a bill of cosmic import, but Assemblymember Tom Ammiano’s AB 1176 would have helped the Port of San Francisco with some financing issues. It’s the kind of bill that legislators offer on behalf of their cities all the time -- and generally, they are non-controversial. This one was the same -- no substantive opposition, it passed both houses easily -- and normally, the governor would sign it with little fanfare.

But no: Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill -- and sent Ammiano and the legislators a remarkable veto letter. The letter says nothing about the substance of the bill; in fact, the language is really convoluted and it’s hard to figure out what the gov is really saying.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oxjam Manchester Takeover

Peter Hook joins an Oxjam line-up including The Sunshine Underground

On the 25th of October, from 1-11pm, musicians from Manchester will be taking part in the UK’s biggest music festival, as we launch The Oxjam Manchester Takeover in the Northern Quarter.

The festival will take over the best venues in Manchester: Odd, Common, Nexus Art Café, Mint Lounge, Night & Day, Matt and Phreds, The Northern, Apotheca and Dough.

Oxjam will focus on a refreshed Manchester this year. By featuring the best of the city’s obscure and upcoming talent in music, comedy, art, dance and theatre, as well as established names - we can challenge our attitudes towards our city.

More details here:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mighty Quo, Plymouth bus stop mash-up!!!

This is what the internet was invented for!!

Just perfect ... don't you feel better now?

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Geek chic!!

Bless, that's so geek ... but kinda cute! ... but mainly geek!

... now where can i get one?


... well milk riot actually!

A farmer sprayed milk on policemen during a protest against falling milk prices outside the E.U.’s headquarters in Brussels, where agricultural ministers discussed its policies at an emergency meeting.