Monday, December 14, 2009

Japanese Bug Fights!

It's the new underground internet sensation that's sweeping the world!!

get involved!


Friday, October 30, 2009

Don't fuck with the Terminator!

Now i'm not a political man but this did catch my eye!

It was hardly a bill of cosmic import, but Assemblymember Tom Ammiano’s AB 1176 would have helped the Port of San Francisco with some financing issues. It’s the kind of bill that legislators offer on behalf of their cities all the time -- and generally, they are non-controversial. This one was the same -- no substantive opposition, it passed both houses easily -- and normally, the governor would sign it with little fanfare.

But no: Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill -- and sent Ammiano and the legislators a remarkable veto letter. The letter says nothing about the substance of the bill; in fact, the language is really convoluted and it’s hard to figure out what the gov is really saying.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oxjam Manchester Takeover

Peter Hook joins an Oxjam line-up including The Sunshine Underground

On the 25th of October, from 1-11pm, musicians from Manchester will be taking part in the UK’s biggest music festival, as we launch The Oxjam Manchester Takeover in the Northern Quarter.

The festival will take over the best venues in Manchester: Odd, Common, Nexus Art Café, Mint Lounge, Night & Day, Matt and Phreds, The Northern, Apotheca and Dough.

Oxjam will focus on a refreshed Manchester this year. By featuring the best of the city’s obscure and upcoming talent in music, comedy, art, dance and theatre, as well as established names - we can challenge our attitudes towards our city.

More details here:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mighty Quo, Plymouth bus stop mash-up!!!

This is what the internet was invented for!!

Just perfect ... don't you feel better now?

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Geek chic!!

Bless, that's so geek ... but kinda cute! ... but mainly geek!

... now where can i get one?


... well milk riot actually!

A farmer sprayed milk on policemen during a protest against falling milk prices outside the E.U.’s headquarters in Brussels, where agricultural ministers discussed its policies at an emergency meeting.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Friday, September 04, 2009

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Marvin Speakman is F*cking Awesome ... according to Google ...

Well i never! if it's on the internet it must be true ... mustn't it?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

100 Artworks From the Top Digital Artists in the USA & Canada

Some VERY cool digital art, I think you'll agree, check out the full article at the bottom of the post ...

full article HERE


Thursday, August 06, 2009

big 'ol jump

This HAS to ba a fake ... but it's well impressive all the same!

Monday, August 03, 2009

Michael Jackson in the year 2000

"At 40 he will have aged gracefully and will have a handsome, more mature look"
... oh will he now ...

MJ 2000.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Monsoon Manchester

OK a couple of things, firstly i got fucking soaked this morning on the way into work, i don't mean 'a bit rained on' i mean almost drowned! i had to go and buy dry clothes and everything!.

secondly here is some stuff off of the internet about the Manchester Monsoon:

Nice strike!!

Canal Street well and truly flooded!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Linos Portable Turntable

OK i just need this .... JUST NEED IT!!!!!!

Every now and then you find some con cepts for items that are so they say… past their prime? But this has to be the coolest con cept for such an item i’ve seen in a long time.
The Linos is min i mal style record player designed by Char lie Pyott from

Tron anyone?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dinosaur Jr. new video "Over it"

This is quality ... LOVE Dinosaur Jr!!!!!!!!

70's Olymic Skate Ads

Just pure class, when skateing meets disco!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Blow in her face

There really are NO words.

Moment Factory - Permanent Interactive LED wall

Well that's pretty cool!

As people walk by the display, 35,000 LED light bulbs respond to their presence and movement with a variety of shapes and patterns. Partly reminiscent of MIT’s Fiber Optic Cloud, the project is a reminder of our ever-deepening relationship with technology and the human-algorithm future that lies before us.

source: Brain Pickings

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Friday, July 03, 2009

Citroen GT in London

Gran Tourismo is awesome ... this however is something else!!!!

source: Geek in disguise

78 Rules of photography

Came across this handy dandy cheat sheet for taking photographs really proper and that.

good lens cap tip!

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Banksy vs Bristol Museum

Banksy VS Bristol Museum

showing for 3 months.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Amazing waveform jewelry

Really really cool audio waveform jewelry by Sakurako Shimizu.

Waveform Series is the laser-cut shapes of the waveform of the sound in sound editing software environment. I used some human sound such as yawn, atchoum, giggle, wow, and the sound of church bell - Sakurako Shimizu

Bell (Cuff Bracelet)

Giggle necklace

Left ear / Right ear earrings

Yawn brooch

finally 'I do' wedding rings ... seriously ... how fucking cool is THAT!!

check his other geeky jewelry here:

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Street Fighter Bonus Level ... for real!!

Check this crazy guy out, actually beating up on a car!!!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

he'll keep calling me ... he'll keep calling me ... he'll make me feel guilty ...

This was brought to my attention by my good friend Mark K

Cameron Frye's dad's house from "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" is up for sale!!!!

How fucking cool!?!?

life moves pretty fast ... if you don't stop and look around once in a while ... you might miss it!

Tucked away in the woods of Chicago, this four-bed, four-bath is a modernist masterpiece, but might be more well-know for its starring role in the painfully infamous car scene of the feature film "Ferris Bueller's Day Off."


Its reprise on the web currently comes from its recent listing on the market for $2.3 million.

Two steel-and-glass buildings make up this peaceful palace with the garage celebrating the automobile by showcasing the cars within. Architects A. James Speyer and David Haid built the structures on steel beams, creating a Jetson-like pod above the ground. The home also has stunning panoramic views, with floor-to-ceiling glass walls spanning 5,300 square feet and lending an affect much like Philip Johnson's famed Glass House.

To Inquire or learn more about visit Sotheby's International Realty.

Source: Cool Huntings via @clydemk

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

... so this internet business ... just a passing fad?

The internet for dummies

don't get "flamed" for "spamming"

source: everythingisterrible

Friday, May 22, 2009

PeopleBrowsr social gathering

As you may have noticed i'm kinda into my social networking.
I twitter, Facebook, FriendFeed, blog and podcast. now with the help of PeopleBrowsr you can have everything in one place ... this is a truly awesome piece of kit, it's like the Matrix version of social networking. It's in Alpha at the mo, but there is talk of it going to beta this monday ... seriously if you need this in your life. get on it.

Where all my tweeps be at?

do it. new search engine

Really cool new search engine, lays out your results like a microfiche and make you feel like a spy whilst googling .... achem ... sorry, searching, for the number of your local take away.

it also searches and displays tweets and blog entries ... nice!!!!

could you be more spezzific?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Nike SB HD Video preview

Nice nice nice!!!!

HD skate videos (do you still call them videos?)

edit: video removed because it kept playing automtically and doing my head in ... soz.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Space is the place

Exciting Cosmic Space News!!!

In preparation for what the BBC describes as the biggest European spaceflight launch in history, the two satellites Herschel and Planck are on the launch pad ready for lift off today at 1312 GMT.

watch the launch live here: 3-2-1 GO!

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You HAVE to be shitting me ...

Truly ... WTF
Please fill out the ordering form and put one teaspoon of the ashes into the bag per piece of glass ordered (any ashes that don't go into your glass will be returned with your order). Post this back to us in the envelope provided.


Keep the memory of your loved one close to you.
Like a cherished photograph, Memorial Glass holds thoughts and feelings which are personal only to you.

Create a truly bespoke memorial to your loved one's life by having a small amount of their cremated ashes made into glass.

somebody somewhere is having a right laugh!!!

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Swine Flu ... gets serious!

Swine Flu hits the Loony Tunes!!!!

tha tha tha that's all folks!!

Mindblowing riding from Danny MacAskill

So impressive!!
Go Danny, go!!

you can do it Danny...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

i can't belive it's not cocaine ...

iSnort app for the iPhone:
apparently Apple have rejected the app from iTunes ... what a shocker!!!!

sniff sniff
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Friday, May 01, 2009

You can slap all your troubles away with slap chop

Bank holiday madness for y'all!

slappy slapper!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

Tilt shift Manchester

Sunny day in the city center so i thought i'd try my hand at a little tilt shift action, just the view out of our office window and a little Photoshop trickery.


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Saturday, April 04, 2009

Playboy does sneakers

Is it christmas? ... my birthday? .... it must be all of them as once!!!
Playboy have run an article on sneakerheads: Hot Chicks, Cool Kicks (NSFW) 

There are foot fetishists and then there are sneakerheads. This subculture of shoe freaks collects sneakers like some women harbor handbags. But instead of labels like Prada and Gucci, in-the-know kicks collectors scout out limited-edition designs by brands such as Supra, Nike and Alife.

so does this mean i have to wear your heels?

source: Crooked Tongues (honest!)

Friday, April 03, 2009

just some cool images i stumbled across this tumblr site: This isn't happiness

some pretty cool images so i've popped some on here:

Debbie ... always hot!

Slutty chick on a chopper ... hot!

Modern Business Computing ... erm ... nerdy?
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