OK a couple of things, firstly i got fucking soaked this morning on the way into work, i don't mean 'a bit rained on' i mean almost drowned! i had to go and buy dry clothes and everything!.
secondly here is some stuff off of the internet about the Manchester Monsoon:
Every now and then you find some con cepts for items that are so they say… past their prime? But this has to be the coolest con cept for such an item i’ve seen in a long time. The Linos is min i mal style record player designed by Char lie Pyott from pyottdesign.com.
As people walk by the display, 35,000 LED light bulbs respond to their presence and movement with a variety of shapes and patterns. Partly reminiscent of MIT’s Fiber Optic Cloud, the project is a reminder of our ever-deepening relationship with technology and the human-algorithm future that lies before us.